2022 Michaela Foster

Michaela Foster

Full Hearts Empty Hands

2022, Bard College Berlin

American humanitarians travel across the globe to bring the religion and principles that define their national identity to people and places that have often suffered at the hands of the American military and its grip on the global economy. Humanitarianism has been used to reinforce the narrative of America as a benefactor abundant in money, good will, and in citizens who want to pay forward their American wealth and lifestyle. Migratory networks allow Global North citizens to move with ease around the globe, enabling their humanitarianism. The mobility of those they seek to aid however is heavily restricted.

These posters use traditional American illustration motifs popular in Uncle Sam propaganda, vintage Red Cross advertisements, and superhero comics as well as photography documenting humanitarian efforts globally to highlight the distinctly American hypocrisy. 

White Savior Poster, Michaela Foster, Bard College Berlin, 2022