2024 Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá

Haceres, cuidados y futuros

Makings, caring and futures

Hands that have touched succulent leaves to sense if they are healthy, others that have cooked generation after generation, others that have sewn to cover or embroidered as a way to knit vital links. Hands that stopped while taking photographs of what escapes our dispersed gazes in motion or delineating images borne from those dark texts that reclaim our attention; they let us see through their traces the beat of what is alive. Like the slits of the doors that make us feel the tremors of the liquid borders between the inside and the outside taking us back to remember the footprints of the dispossessions inhabiting us. Writings that emerge within the palpitating materialities surrounding us that also remember our vital linkages.

This is the result of an exercise of pausing and listening to the languages of the body. Once here, we created images, writings and figures that allowed us to enmesh with the movements that sustain us and revisit our dark and attuned corporeal memories, to let other ways to name the world emerge. We got closer to the fragile threads of existence and the enmeshment of bodies, substances and objects. A material time of the makings in exchange of a time projected for the development utopias, progress and brilliant futures.

Movements that directly touch the body, that make us attuned, open to the other, give oneself to the other, to stop in the sensorial and material microrelations where torsion and the possibilities of another distribution of the sensible lie. Everyday dances that do not attempt to conquer any stage or acquire success. They simply are, they beat; they sustain, shake. They bring life to the subtle and repetitive movements that work as physical and vital scaffolds in the middle of the actions of care in their continuous trace. There we start making and molding ourselves in the middle of happiness and sorrows, desires and fears, sometimes full of contradictions and the darkest beauties.

Course Director: Juan Ricardo Aparicio

Project Supervision and Curation: Juan Orrantia

With contributions from: Maria Paula Alzate, Karolayne Bryan, María José Gonzalez, Margarita Hernandez Santander, Juan José Jara, Juan Camilo Márquez Díaz, Valery Saray Padilla Perez, María Paula Puerto, Valeria Sofía Ramírez, María Belén Rolón, Laura Vanessa Vásquez

  • Haceres, cuidados y futuros Exhibition, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota 2024.